Saturday, June 18, 2005

Signs That Prove You Have No Life:
1. Wake up at 0640 every morning and head to work.
2. Leave the office around 1800 and head home.
3. Figure out what you should have for dinner and contemplate on whether you should do some cooking yourself. (I have been fucking cooking dinner. Yes I CAN COOK, you bitches.)
4. Watch the 7pm Channel 8 show. And whatever shows you have to watch. (I even remember what time, which channels are showing my shows.)
5. You're online almost 24/7.
6. You are stuck at home on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. (Knn)

You see, this happens when:
1. You're Single. (Totally single, not even dating anyone)
2. You're so fucking broke. (Trust me. When I say broke I mean BROKE till I can't leave my house.)
3. You don't fancy going out with acquaintances. (Yes, I'm a loner. But even if I wanted to go out with them, I have no money to do so)

1. Get frustrated because you want to watch 2 different shows, showing at the same time.
2. Suffer from serious insomnia cause you are so fucking bored.
3. Fall so sick that you cry yourself to the point of exhaustion and fall asleep. (Ear Infection la kns.)
4. Blog nonsense. For example, like this.

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