Friday, December 31, 2010


10 whole months of disappearance and here I am 2 hours before the year ends.

In 2010,

I quit World of Warcraft.
I finally passed Commercial Law.
I visited Godma in Nagoya, Japan and the Harajuku girls in Tokyo.
I went to the land of Dim Sum and ate and ate and ate.
I finally saw snow.
I had my first major fight with my mum.
I fell back in the abyss of World of Warcraft again.
I did better in my 3rd semester than I ever have before.
I quit World of Warcraft, again.
I finally visited Jac in Perth, Australia.
I went to my first rave.
I got my heart broken.
I got dead drunk on the same week as I did in 2009.
I stopped having expectations.

2010 was a year of unexpected up and downs, laughter, tears, joy, new friendships, old friendships rekindled and more than words could ever describe. As much as I'm having mixed feelings about entering 2011, I can't stop time and I don't know anyone with a time machine.

Goodbye 2010, Hello 2011.

`Spinning: ATB - Beautiful Worlds

Saturday, February 27, 2010

And We'll Dig Deeper

I believe this is the longest hiatus I have taken from blogging. -dusts away cobwebs-

What has kept me away from blogging? Yea, the crazy schedule of trying to balance WoW with school, friends and family and what other nonsense. After dropping full time raiding for 2 weeks, I've wondered how I managed to squeeze WoW into my life or rather squeeze life into WoW. I know it sounds bad but that's the way it is I guess.

The enthusiasm I had for school in the first semester has somewhat disappeared along with the end of holidays. I find myself struggling to NOT procrastinate this semester. God yes, my procrastination has peaked to another level.

Believe it or not but with full time raiding I seemed to procrastinate less with the limited real time I had left outside the virtual world. Gone were the days where the moment I turn on my comp, first thing I do is, log into WoW then plan the rest of my day according to WoW.

Now that I have so much time, I find myself doing the stupidest things online, waiting for 2 days before assignment is due before I start. I don't even panic when I haven't started doing it the day before.

Come to think of it, I don't even know what the hell I do online. Facebook to check for updates, Yahoo's news to read the daily news, Superficial, Newmoon.Org and Eclipse.Org for my Hollywood gossip, Purseblog for my dosage of branded bags and, that's about it honestly.

Which is retarded since I did all of the above coupled with raiding full time, doing dailies, waste of time achievements when I was bored, read about 5 WoW related sites and I always managed to balance everything fine. Okay I may have struggled but I always did most of my things before hand and turn up for class. Sigh.

I am still struggling even with more time on my hands. I guess the problem was with myself, not WoW.

-emo nemo-

`Spinning: Paramore - Brick by Boring Brick