I'm sick. Bugger. Didn't go to school. Yes again. Went to the doctor finally. Had no choice, needed a mc for lessons anyway. I've got a case of runny nose, bad gastric. Basically just feel like crap. I've been forced by Beef to take my medicine. She paid for it anyway. Stupidd. There's some liquid thingy. Drea can' t take liquid solutions! I puke. Throw me 10 capsules or tablets anytime. *whines. Someone eat my medicine for meeee.
Beef stayed over last night, she be staying over tonight too. Sorry for not being able to accompany you. I just have too much work to do. *mutters. Entre is 3/4 done. Comm skills is 1/4 done. At least we finally managed to complete Applied Research and Business Ettiquette already. Tonight I won't get any sleep. Gotta chiong all the way to finish everything. Crappo shait. Arggh. *growls.
My first warning letter from Ms Zhang Wei came already. She darn bloody efficient please. Lesson was on Monday and today's what? Thursday. Biatch. Mr Tan Hsien Wei is so flexible. He should haven sent me a warning letter a long time ago and I've yet to recieve it. Bugger. Its better this way ain't it.
Love it when the parentals aren't at home. Noone nagging. Oh well, everything will be the same when my mum gets back tommorrow. *grumbles. Crappy cranky mood. Time to complete my work. So sorry to my group mates for constantly missing meetings. I was never like that. Argh. What is going on Andrea Lim! Grrrrrr.
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