Wednesday, December 08, 2004


Diao. Just received this weird phone call from Mediacorp studios. Asked if I was interested to be a model?! Part-time actress?!(The kind you act in a really small role or don't even say a line) Hello!~ I can't act for nuts nuts nuts. Are they serious or what?! Where did they get my number in the first place?! Anyhoos, rejected them. Acting ain't my cup of tea. Remember how I freaked out about Drama for Arts Appreciation? Yes, ask my fellow groupmates for the drama thingy. My acting was damned sad. Lol. So yeah, could be my claim to fame. But I decided to give it a pass. :)

School has been good so far. Rather relaxing., Heh. Can see a few other school mates staring my way. It ain't my fault that I have only 4 modules and 1 CDS. HAH. Had my first French tutorial this morning. I'm so dead. Having a real hard time with the pronunciation of the words. All I can remember is Je M'applle Andrea, Et Toi, Bonjour, Bonsoir, Comment Ca Va, Ca Va Diem, Merci. Don't even know if I spelt them wrongly. Like good luck for my vocab test in 2 weeks.

This entry is specially for my Beef. Heh. Before she says I don't reciprocate. Lol.
Dear Beef,
Its been coming 1 year & 8months, meaning we've known each other for about 1 year 9 months? Lol. Thank you for the ups and downs in the relationship, for making me so happy and tickled by your jokes (which I hardly find funny anymore) and for letting me learn many things I did not know about myself. Its been a great year and a half with you. Through the joy and the tears, I hope this lasts as long as fate and destiny allows. Thanks for all the yummy food and beautiful gifts, each and every one holds a different meaning to me. Okay, errmm, I am at a loss for words but I guess you know the message I'm trying to put across. I <3 You!

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