The Adventures of Sulking outside Zouk
After watching Singapore Idol Finals with Beef, Quek and Leong at Leong's place, we left for Newsroom Bar. After Beef's 3rd Gin Tonic, Quek's 2nd Whiskey Dry, My 2nd Beer and 1st Whiskey Dry, Leong's 5th (I lost count) Shot and god knows how many other cup of god knows what, we headed to Zouk. So Beef and Leong were all giggly on the cab. The two morons couldn't stop laughing at NOTHING. So I was pretty sure both of them were really high, which I knew was an understatement 10 mins later. We reached Zouk and were welcomed with a mammoth queue. Saw Ling, Mandy and Jasmine and they were leaving so we took over their position towards the front of the queue. Suddenly, Beef and Leong were leaning towards the railing, Leong started puking and Beef kept screaming she wanted to sit down. Leong sat down and puked. Beef was brought to the other side by me where she lay on the ground. I had the worst luck when I bumped into the ex from hell. Then Quek ran to get water and 2 whole bloody hours was just spent OUTSIDE Zouk. Not to mention, both started crying when I scolded them and Leong had to puke on my hand. Then started crying that she wants to go home. So home it was. BAH. My last time clubbing before school re-opens on Monday. Beef and Leong you both owe Quek and I BIG time. But I still love you both. -hugs. So yeah. The adventures of sulking outside Zouk. Hahaha. I was freaking furious. Ask Queky my Bestie. Thanks for everything anyway Bestie!
Finally got the finalised timetable. Yay! Its pretty much the same. I'm in 2T02 and I've got French for CDS. Whoopee! Anyhoos, there's lessons on Monday cause Airline Business Tut and Labs start on the first week, just like all CDS. Bahh. Oh well, I'm off to watch Amazing Race.
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