Wednesday, May 11, 2005

10 Good Reasons Why My Sister Is A Pain In My Ass
(In Random Order)

1. She likes to borrow my clothes and complains when I borrow her clothes.
2. She doesn't pick up after herself.
3. She's 17 and "boy crazy".
4. Her Simple Plan, Good Charlotte kind of music drives me nuts.
5. She always seems to have money!!
6. She hates me. Ditto.
7. Her fucking phonebill goes up to 100 odd every month without fail and now, my outgoing calls and sms-es are barred all because of her.
8. She buys the most non-sensical stuff online and then bugs me to open the letterbox everyday.
9. Hogs the computer. Doing what? Online shopping.
10. Major attitude problem.

The list can go on and on and on. Amanda if you're reading this, GOOD. Because I am fucking pissed about the handphone bills. So fucking pay your own fucking bills in future and don't fucking get me into your shit.

I still love you despite all the shit. What choice do I have right. Lol.

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