Monday, May 30, 2005

Negative Karma

Finally got a chance to spend quality time with my best friend. Long John's Silver, MacDonald's and Madagascar. ((:

The first half of the movie was pretty good. Funny like shit please. The second half, er, I don't know cause I fell asleep for the first time during a movie. I was that tired please. Heh.

Had a good chat with Quek. *smiles. She's the only one who's able to see through me like a glass sheet and love me for being me.


Been wanting to blog about this for a long time, I reckon today's the day. I don't really care if it gets me into trouble again cause this is how I feel and this is my blog.

So maybe I am self-conceited, self absorbed, narcissistic, tactless, blunt, rude, violent, insensitive, and whatever else you have to add on.

If anyone has something against me, say it to my face. Gossip and rumours aren't the way to let me know. If anyone really cares and really misses me, call me and arrange an outing. Not proclaiming you do when I seriously wonder if you do.

Its not going to work if I'm the only one who is bothered. Get it?

I hate friendships that disappear into thin air for god knows what reasons. I hate people who tell me one thing and do another. I hate broken promises and lies. I hate every one of you.

I wished work would get real busy soon. Cause I'm sick and tired of all of you and at least then I wouldn't have the time so worry so much about dying friendships.


I love Mummy. I love Pain in My Ass Manda Lim. I love Quekypoo. I love Sotong Sel Ham. I love Ah Ryl. I love Marilyn. I love Shawn Low. I love Cousin. I love Sister Mel.

I love them because these are the ones who keep me sane and insane at the same time. They ask after me once in a while, crack silly jokes to cheer me up, tease me and so on.

But not everyone has been meeting me often enough or even talking to me often enough. I miss you.

Okay, so yes I am feeling depressed. Whatever.

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