Friday, May 20, 2005

Snoop Dogg

Its 0409 and I'm bored shitless and suffering from a reversed body clock.

So I decided to snoop around my SIP company's website and check out what events they have planned and are planning.

I know I'm supposed to know all these but I went for the interview like months ago so why the fuck would I remember.

They plan CTW (Corporate Travel World Asia-Pacific) and IT&CMA (Incentive Travel & Conventions, Meetings Asia) annually I think.

This year both events are combined and held in Pattaya from the 11th to the 13th of October.

Then there's TTM (Thailand Travel Mart) and ITS (International Travel Show), 15th to the 19th of June, held together (again) in Bangkok or affectionately known to Tourism Students as BKK. Anyone misses Airline Business and Amadeus? Sorry, digressing there.

Woohoo. Since I'm going to be part of the events team. I pray I pray I get to go to Thailand. Especially Bangkok. I honestly don't mind an all expenses paid for trip. Hur.

Although the company was established in Singapore (SIN) and parent company is in Hong Kong (HKG), they quite fancy Thailand huh.

Eh eh. What's the City Code for Pattaya? Anyone remembers? Tag me please. Thankyouverymuch.

Oh oh. I stumbled upon some profiles of my colleagues to be as well. Interesting.

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