Friday, May 20, 2005

Cigarettes and Alcohol

Chinablack Jade, 2rd week in a row. I officially declare that I'm sick of clubbing. I'm going to abstain from it for quite awhile.

I've had my fair share of alcohol; getting high and drunk, cigarettes; excessive smoking and music; same old clubbing music, the past 3 - 4 weeks to satisfy my desire for clubbing. Which equals to no Zouk tomorrow. Sorry girls.

Plus, I'm totally bankrupt already. I have no idea how am I going to survive my first week of internship when I'm zero. Sugar Daddy anyone?

The Virgin Suicides at Dan's place earlier. Woohoo. I just love that movie. :))

Had a small puking session. No idea why. Puked for about 4 - 5 times. Urghh. Gross. I'm feeling mighty fine now though.

Have you ever felt so distant from the closest people in your life? I have. I'm feeling that right now. All because of lack of communication. I miss my best friend and my mum.

Sometimes your voice is loudest when its written down.

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