Saturday, June 25, 2005

Check, Uncheck

( ) Corrinne May - Safe In A Crazy World Concert, 10th August @ 1930 hours.
I hereby am looking for someone willing to go for her concert with me. Leave a comment if you're interested. Thank you.

( ) Butch Hunt Finals 2005 - Gotham Penthouse, 14th July.
With plenty of dates (Denise, Maye, Mac, etc.), I'm looking forward to a night of booze, cigarettes and maybe sex? Joking. I should be looking forward to a cranky mood the following day at work. Maybe, look for a potential partner.

( ) SIP Classroom Session, 2nd July @ 0900 hours.
Finally get to see my darlings. I've missed each and everyone of you so much. But I just realised with the classroom session on a Saturday morning, it means I can't club on Friday night. Fucktard. Honestly, I think I'll still club anyhow.

( ) Pay Day - 28th June, Tuesday.
Woohoo. Finally pay day is here. Hopefully the money will last for a month with all the necessary expenditure (eg. bills, transport & meals).

( ) e- Journal 1, 30th June, Thursday.
I've only drafted the bloody journal. I better get my ass down to doing it.

( ) Fix my sleeping hours.
I've been sleeping at ungodly hours. Within 1 month of SIP, I've already taken 4 MCs. To be precise, I've only produced 2 MCs, the other 2 days, no MC. Fucking screwed. Waking up to puke every other morning doesn't really help either.

( ) Pray, wish and hope.
My 1 month stint with the publications department is coming to an end on Thursday. 4 months of exhibitions horror awaits me on Friday.

( ) Watch what I eat.
According to Queky, I've put on weight. KNS. I'm not complaining I'm fat cause I know I'm not but I just like the way I am now or rather I was. I think its my daily dosage of ice cream/chocolates after lunch at work. Not to mention the junk my colleagues feed me.


Notes to remind myself what has yet to be done or what has yet to come.

Life's so monotonous that I have nothing to blog about anymore. Plus, I have no inspiration to write about anything.

I'm sick of flings, eyecandies and singlehood. Find me a girlfriend.

"My heart won't be your rag doll anymore"

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