Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Say The Magic Word

Congratulations to you if you managed to get thus far to reading this entry. Hah. So this is the first entry I'm posting after "protecting" my privacy with a java script. Hur. Doubt I'll need to justify why abnegation.blogspot's now password protected but I will anyway (though I know java scripts are darn easy to hack but what the heck).

I started out blogging purely out of curiosity then it obviously developed into some sort of obssession. I remember clearly with averaging only 40 hits a day, this has changed after 3 years of course. I average 500 hits daily now which I think is so damn ridiculous because I don't even know who reads the fuck I blog about and even people whom I don't even know their first/ second/middle names reads this shit.

I never liked status, fame or popularity or much less crave for them. I'm just sick of nosy parkers and maybe privacy is what I seek now. We'll see how long this blog stays password protected.

If you manage to hack into this shit, I'LL SAY YOU ARE GOOD. Happy reading.


I am so mother fucking bored at home. Doesn't help that I'm broke and I can't head out even though I have dates. -mutters- Head's about to burst from a terrible headache.

Staying home without absolutely nothing to do is not good, it gets me emo. Fucking cheebye shit nonsense.

This entry's all random and incoherrent because I'm bored sick and I'm just feeling plain crabby. Argh.

I have this urge to put the names of people whom I can't stand at the moment and give my reasons why I don't like them but I won't because there is still a chance where morons will spend time hacking into this nonsense.

I'm just going to spend my day watching DVDs and not say a single thing to anyone. I feel like doing a disappearing act. I'm just so sick of everything.

I'm such a moron. I miss you so bad. Do you miss me too? Sometimes I want to slap you for being such a bastard but then I think twice and realise it's because you're such a bastard that's why I'm falling like a moron. ANDREA SHUT UP.

Note: I'm not exactly very sane.

"Love your enemies, it'll piss them off"

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