1. Le Coq Sportif ballet shoes, Agnes B edition. $195|-
Went to look at the shoes today. Sigh. I really want them so bad. So so bad. Someone please be an angel and donate money to me. I need to have those shoes. It was love at first sight. I really honestly am in love with the shoes.
2. Gold & Black necklace. $27.90|-
It's just so damn pretty.
3. DKNY Be Delicious / Ralph Lauren Black / Ralph Lauren Blue for Men.
4. DKNY / Kenneth Cole watch.
*Just give me cash and I'll go shopping on my own.
Non-Material Wish List:
1. A job.
2. Mummy to stop working so hard.
3. My family back as it was 10 years ago.
Impossible but heck it. It's called a wish list for a reason.
4. All my loved ones to be happy and healthy.
5. You.
I've been a grouch the whole day because of the shoes. Sigh. I hope it doesn't become one of those, "I want it so badly but I just can't get it" things. I'm sick of being so broke. This always happens, it's like a damn sick carousel ride. Who's fault is it at the end of the day? That damn fucking asshole of a genetically related father I have.
Doesn't help that I saw this beautiful Gold and Black necklace at Icon, Bugis today. -frowns- I need money. Like real bad. I'm depressed. Why is it that I always get so damn emo during my birthday. It's seriously fucking jinxed. Like I am. I'm jinxed.
"I secretly wish for things to be like before despite the hate in me."
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