Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Scrabulous Saturday


Silly decided it was time to shop and took me to FEP to buy shoes. Woot! I bought a pair of Greek Sandals (I prefer to know them as Spartans. LOL) for freaking $9.90! Couldn't be happier please. Then last minute plans for Zouk came up so she bought me a dress since I didn't bring any clothes with me.

Headed home and caught Episode 2 and 3 of Gossip Girl. Sigh. I'm so going to miss Danrena. They were like a dream couple.

Zouk after which with me appearing in so many pictures for the first time because Bessy went mad with the camera. Hahaha.


Was supposed to go tanning but after the late night, we were both knackered. So slept in till it was time to pick Mummy up from work to go home to Tom Yam steamboat cooked by Lil' Brat and Simon.

Headed back out to town to do a lil shopping again. This time Silly was supposed to shop for herself BUT she ended up with nothing but a dress for me! Hehehe.

Met Jo and Bessy at Forum MacDonald's' after that for a "quiet" night so ended up playing UNO and Scrabble.

Despite Cambridge awarding me an A1 in English O' Levels, I utterly suck when it comes to Scrabble. Let's just say, my vocabulary is not very powderful. Hahaha. All I'm good at is "ninja-ing" people's word by adding it to become past, continuing present tense and plural.

Today's word of the day is PUFFIA; A curry puff version of Mafia; ref. Mafia

Yes, I thought of that when I ran out of words.

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