Monday, February 09, 2009

Eternal Damnation

So I caught Inkheart with Silly on Saturday because everyone else was out clubbing and I really didn't feel like clubbing.

Inkheart was okay. Nothing worth raving about, though the idea of a Silver Tongue completely fascinated me. For those who are not going to watch Inkheart, someone who has a silver tongue, is someone who is able to make characters in books come alive just by reading the book aloud.

And, I am fascinated for all the wrong reasons. Only because I wish someone would read the Twilight saga out to me and make it real. LOL. And no, not because I think Robert Pattinson is hot and I want him for myself.

It's the love that Edward and Bella has, has become some what of an obsession to me.

To me, they're like Romeo & Juliet but the mystical version. The love is so strong, so unreal but yet, each one of us, dreams of it. To fall in love with someone, completely head over heels and have the feeling returned.

Love till this day, is a complete mystery to me and I'm sure it will always be.

"And so the lion fell in love with the lamb…"
Edward Cullen, Twilight, Chapter 13, p.274

`Spinning: Rihanna Feat. Ne-Yo - Hate That I Love You

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