Saturday, November 20, 2004


Oh wheee. The "illegal" timetable is out! Yes oh yes. Like finally. The "illegal" timetable says I've got French for CDS. Like OMG. Finally OMG. Totally OMG. I sense a bimbo act going on. Anyhoos, yeahh. The timetable seems pretty okayy. I don't have any complains till school actually starts. Miss "Dory" Tan will be teaching us again! Heard that Year 2 Tourism peeps?! Whee. God I love her. She's teaching the module I've been waiting for too! Like double happiness please. Ahaha. Airline Business Distribution, I can't wait! There's this other weird module too. MEIT. Can someone tell me what in the hell is it?! Anyhoos, this semester there's Airline Business, POM (Principles of Mgt), Mgt Accounting, MEIT and CDS. Whee. 5 modules only. Relax one corner already. Whee whee. I'm so excited. Don't ask me why. This happens everytime I get the timetable. Ahaha. I forgot, who else is in 2T02?! Quick quick. Taggy me or message me my fellow classmate to be. Lil Ryl Ryl and Nel Nel are in the same class too. Wheee.

// i love my boo*

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