Monday, February 14, 2005

Starry Starry Eyed

0425 now. Yours truly ain't asleep. Duh. *screams and pulls hair violently. I seriously think that Singaporeans have trouble with written English. Seriously man. I mean, generally Singaporeans speak relatively good English except that we have the all so infamous Singaporean Slang which I happen to be proud of. But when it comes to written English, hasn't anyone heard of punctuation, bad sentence construction, being too "lor soh", bad grammar and that repetition of words is bad. Hello! You're writing a proposal here please. Not writing a love letter or blogging where you can overlook the above. It took me 2 hours to edit 7 pages of badly written English. I literally rewrote the whole report. I'm seeing stars now or to be precise, seeing punctuation marks, the airline and we proposed (Its not past tensed! You're proposing something to someone. That person hasn't read the damned proposal you morons). I don't give no shit if my group mates with the horrible, terrible, vegetable (In my younger cousins words) command of the English language cause I'm cranky, sleepy and what have you. Went to work in the end, 1900 - 2300. Jo gave me an Ang Bao! :) Okay, bad to the bad Engrish.

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