Sunday, April 17, 2005

-- edited*

Zouk was. Well. Wasted.

I was wasted. Wasted like fuck. How about dead drunk. At 0200. Fuck.

2 Beers, 1 Tequila, 3 Sex On The Beach, 1 Blow Job, 1 Baileys Milkshake and god knows how much Vodka Lime and Vodka Redbull. All in 2 hours.

Big THANK YOU to Sal and Queky for carrying me out of Zouk.

Sorry about puking on your shoes Sal. Thanks anyway.

Sorry Queky for everything. Thanks for taking care of me. Love you plenty.

Basically, I was oblivious to everything and anything around me. I knocked out completely.

Sheesh. I'm not going to show my face at Zouk for a long time. I think. Hah.

Stayed over at Queks. Went home to shower and change then headed back to Zouk to collect my bag.

Met Cousin, Melissa, Rachel and Sal in town again after that. Subway, Alley Bar and roamed around till around 0400.

Sincere apologies to everyone who was with me at Zouk on Friday/Saturday. Next Saturday kay? Don't forget out date. Lol.


Its 0630 now. This entry didn't really do any justice to Sal and Queky actually. I still feel damned guilty about it.


Bleahh. That's how I feel now. To think about it, I've been feeling low for quite awhile. *screams.

Somehow I can't wait for SIP to start. At least I'll be kept busy for 5 whole months and become a no-lifer. 5 more weeks till SIP.

Zero-ed out for the month. Told you it wouldn't last me long. Counting down to payday again.

I'm just randomly typing cause I'm so effing bored and I can't sleep which isn't a good thing at all cause I've gotta work later at 1500.

Monday 18th - Vacation CDS, 0900-1300
Tuesday 19th - Vacation CDS, 0900-1300
- Work, 1500-2300
Wednesday 20th - Vacation CDS, 0900-1300
- Work, 1500-2300
Thursday 21st - Vacation CDS, 0900-1300
- Dinner with Sel and Queky
Friday 22nd - Vacation CDS, 0900-1300
Saturday 23rd - Cocco Latte with Melissa, Rachel, Sal, Cousin, Queky and don't know who else.
Sunday 24th - Happy Deathday (prolly spending with Queky or my mum and sis)

I'm THIS BORED NOW. So let's see. Its a deathday week. I'm free only on er Friday afternoon and evening?

Why doesn't anyone do any planning for the deathday girl? Why is it the deathday girl doing the planning? Ironic.

Friends she thought were good friends. Maybe she's wrong. Maybe she's just thinking too much.

I love talking about myself as a third person.

Okay, this entry is so bloody getting out of hand. If you managed to read till here. Congratulations.

If you think its stupid. 2 words for you. Fuck you.

I'm one confused girl.

I'm checking out the white wine chilling in the fridge and the other liquors back in the kitchen. My drinking is getting out of hand.

Drunk, twice in two weeks. Ah fuck.

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