Thursday, June 02, 2005

Look Who's Talking

Dinner at TM with Quek. Pastamania was it. 3 slices of garlic bread, bowl of mushroom soup, coke and chicken sausage spaghetti without peas in aglio olio style. Yes I finished it all. Wipeout please. Fuckshit full now.
Thanks Queky for ditching your plans and meeting me for dinner. Really appreciate it dear. Loves.

I never felt more comfortable going to work in tapered pants, shoes and polo tee, carrying my Crumpler. All the office wear and heels seems so fucking wrong on me. Plus, not to mention, its fucking uncomfortable.

Work was hell busy today. All of a sudden, everyone has something for me to do. Hello, I've only got a pair of hands and quite an empty brain. It was good, time passed real fast and I was also busy chatting and laughing at stupid things with my supervisor.

I learnt plenty of news things about myself today. That I'm a liar. *gasp. That I'm oblivious to everything else around me on purpose. * big gasp. That when it comes to friends, I would pick quantity over "quality". *GASP. Thank you for informing me. I really appreciate it. Like really.

My perception of relationships has changed since the previous. I'm not oblivious to it. My best friend told me the same.

I've never bothered about what people said about me and that according to my 2 besties, it irritates them cause anyone can say anything and I won't give two hoots. Anyway, like Quek says, its now "Andrea fights back time". I'll keep it short and sweet.

How much of me do you know in about a month? You know no shit. Judge if you want, I don't give a fuck shit.

Oh yeah. One thing I didn't learn? According to you I'm in denial of reality. Check the dictionary for Abnegation.

Okay, game over. Bedtime.

"And like a blade you stain"

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