Wednesday, July 06, 2005


I procrastinate too much.

Right now, I'm procrastinating if I should sleep or suffer the entire day later on without sleep.

If I should clear the mess in my room or shall I leave it till tomorrow.

If I should take another fag cause I feel like one but I've been smoking excessively and I'm almost broke and its only the first week of July.

So yes, the list can go on and on. What's wrong with us humans that we procrastinate almost every other minute of our lives?!

If I didn't procrastinate and do what's good for me, I'll be in bed now. My room will be cleared. I would be able to cut down on the sticks and save some moolah.

But hey, cut me some slack, don't you procrastinate too?

"Is this love real or just an illusion."

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