Wednesday, November 23, 2005

It Feels Like I Just Finished My Semester Papers

I don't really know what to say. But its finally really over. Its okay. It's been tiring me out and I haven't eaten for days. Not that I'm intending to eat later on. Let's hope Newsroom Bar becomes my food for the past week. I think I really need the alcohol.

Anyway, thank you to you both. I guess both of you reading this would know who you are.

Firstly to you, I'm sorry for acting the way I've been but I do hope you understand. It hasn't been easy for me and it wouldn't be any easier now. I don't understand why I'm like that either but I'm trying. For once, I do hope you believe in me. Anyway, likewise, thanks for the memories, good luck in everything. And I do hope we meet up soon because I'm running out of shorts at home, really. Haha. Deep down, I'll still be waiting. You know that. And for the final time, I love you.

Now you. I'm sorry for reacting the way I did. Although sometimes when I think about it, I don't think I'm wrong, sometimes I think I'm not. But anyway, thanks for the emails. Whether the intention was good or bad, don't blame me for suspecting but I'm a cynical bitch and I don't trust anyone but myself, thank you.

With all honesty, I'm not going to say good luck to both of you because I won't and I would just be lying to myself. As much as I want to ask the two of you to burn in hell, it won't happen either because that's up to God to decide, not me. Though I secretly wish I was Mr. Potter so I would be able to turn you guys into frogs or something. Okay, nonsense.

"Ooh I hear laughter in the rain, walking hand in hand with the one I love"

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