Saturday, March 18, 2006

Can I be The Geek In The Pink?

Life can't get anymore ridiculous as it can get. It seriously can't.

I wish problems were Boggarts and I'll use the Ridikulous disarming charm on them like they do in Harry Potter.

Random thought there.

I'm so exhausted from the lack of sleep and the day's activities. I've only 100 words for the essay because I need to draft it out before I can write anything. Bah, shall draft it tomorrow. I'm too exhausted to use what's left of my pea sized brain.

Someone please remind me that the essay is due on Monday at 1700. -slaps self-

To console myself, at least I'm done with my research. I've got a straight B+ on the rest of the essays which I did on the day of submission and they were 800 words, 1, 200 words and 1, 500 words respectively.

Andrea, argumentative essays have been your forte since Secondary School so quit whining and stressing yourself unnecessarily. Calm and collected is the way to go and the words will flow.

I know I sound a lil mad referring to myself as a third person but excuse me, exhaustion and paranoia doing the typing here.

Self esteem is totally in the pits as well. What the hell happened to the all so confident Andrea?

Conclusion, I'm depressed but yet happy. I've gone off my rockers. So please excuse good old Miss Abnegation. I don't call myself Miss Abnegation for no reason.

"Make it like it was before."

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