Thursday, March 09, 2006

Drama Rama Lama

I'm exhausted. Babe commented on my dark eye rings when we met. That's how bad my insomnia is because even powder and concealer can't save me.

Add on the fact I bawled like baby earlier. I was crying so hard that I was shaking. Eyes all dried out and swollen now. |:

But I'm gonna stay up for another 3 hours or so then I'll head to the babe's. At least with her by my side, I sleep well. (:


Tonight was like some Channel 8 drama serial. My life just can't get any more exciting can it?

As usual, started out at Phunk with my Yong Tau Foo girlies. Shawn and Jordan then came to pick all 6 of us (Jo, Zen, Leong, Bessy, Baby and myself) up to Zouk. Imagine 6 giggling girls squeezed in the back seat of a Lancer. The 2 lucky boys. Hur.

Phuture started out good because I saw many many people and drank so many many drinks.

Had about 4 glasses of Screwdriver at Phunk, beer from Shawn, down-ed half a glass of Graveyard and a glass of Chivas Green Tea, then I remember people feeding me with their jugs but I had no idea what the contents were. Just drink only. Lol.

I was anything but high. Something's wrong with me these days, I can't seem to get high anymore. |: I think I'm going to die from alcohol poisoning at the rate I drink.

Okay, sorry I digressed. I have a huge tendency to go out of point. Too many things to say. I'm your typical talkative bitchy KC girl. Okay, back to the topic!

Then things took a turn for the worst.

Never had I cried in a club till I lost all strength to even stand. Never had I felt more useless when it all started out because of me.

I will not go into details but I would like to thank Jo and Jie for being there for me.
I'd seriously don't know what I'd do without you girls. Thank you for always being on my side. I love you both dearly.

To my sugar honey seaweed, you know I'm on your side. I'm here right next to you with every single step you take, big or small. I'd rather I visit Cantonment again than you make your maiden trip. I'm really sorry for what happened because after all, it started out because of me. Though I'm not sorry for screaming at you in front of everyone because you made me cry first! Hmph! No matter what, thank you for staying calm and rational. -bigsquishyhug-

To the rest who were either trying to make me stop bawling like a baby or starting a fight. Ping, Elena, Shawn, Jordan, Edmund, etc.
Big thank you to all of you as well.

Clubbing's just nonsense. Been clubbing almost every week since I was 17. 3 years and I'm pretty much done with it. So sick of it all, always the same old shit.

"Walk with me hand in hand, on the path towards our simple life."

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