personality tests by
Stability results were low which suggests you are very worrying, insecure, emotional, and anxious.
Orderliness results were moderately high which suggests you are, at times, overly organized, reliable, neat, and hard working at the expense of flexibility, efficiency, spontaneity, and fun.
Extraversion results were moderately high which suggests you are, at times, overly talkative, outgoing, sociable and interacting at the expense of developing your own individual interests and internally based identity.
Sheesh. Want to how accurate this test.
Andrea joined us shortly, and no I am not talking about myself as a third person. Leong's friend, Andrea Ng joined us. Shortly after, the Quek came waddling along.
I've been thinking. There are certain things I need to fix, certain things to clear, certain things to say, before everything is too late. I've obviously not been myself and it finally dawned upon me why.
The last person that everyone thought would attempt suicide would be me. "Andrea's a strong girl, she'll be fine." Like I always say, I'm fine and always will be fine. LIES LIES LIES.
Because sometimes, keeping everything to yourself is better. Reduces the misunderstandings or perceptions people have about you. Since when did I care about people's perceptions right? It gets tiring after years of being misunderstood. It get weary and draggy, huge pain in the ass.
Then sometimes, no one can help because there are no answers. Then after 3 years, you finally lose it.
I'm sick of being nice, civil, polite and what have you but if I go back to my KC days, people deem me as mother fucking childish 19 year old. So what? Hang in there for another 3 years and break down then again? This time probably really making sure I end up dead.
Every single time I tell you I am fine, I am lying. For now, I'm not fine. So don't bother asking if I'm fine because I am not. There's your answer so now fuck off.
If anyone wants to thinks that I was stupid, you've never been so right. That I was irresponsible, selfish and immature, strike TOTO also not so accurate.
If anyone thinks I did it because to attract attention, I can't stop you from thinking what you want. You don't know what its like to be me and likewise I don't know what its like to be you. I had my reasons. Valid or invalid, they were MY reasons.
I'm tired. I drift in and out of sleep everyday. The insomnia has never been so bad. Head hurts, back hurts. Lifelessly wandering about. The only way is to cry myself till fatigue kicks in. Every single night.